“Isn’t that nice!”

Sigh. Taken to task again by well meaning siblings in Jesus.                                                    You see, it seems I’m just not nice enough as a christian. I fail to tip toe around tender souls who are used to self esteem cheer leaders and trophies for managing to do the bare minimum in life. What’s a sarcastic gal like me to do; stab myself with a spork?

Too late, oh nail biting super christians! As I’ve aged, I have let go of the desire to please you fellow race runners! Your guilt trip comes right in the middle of my menopausal, crabby peak, and all I want to do when you start your nonsense is poke the end of your nose, yell,

“Boop, you’ve been muted”,

and run away laughing madly.

What did I do this time, you ask? (I don’t really care if you asked, Ima tell you anyway)     I dared to suggest that people who claim to follow Jesus should probably figure out studying their Bible is a necessity. So, ok. I admit I said it with a fair amount of snark, but really?  Why should I have to state and restate the obvious, without poking a stick? Do they want me to a blow a gasket or something?

Hah! I’d rather make people stew a little. I figure I’m serving an important function. They  get to feel smug, while I sneak, ninja-like, into their subconscious with my zingers. Checkmate.

They will thank me later. I’m sure.

2 thoughts on ““Isn’t that nice!””

  1. Oh my goodness! I’ve liked & laughed at your comments on Branyan’s blog and for some reason (Providence?), today I tapped your name and found you also have a blog. I’m 2 yrs older than you and one friend (with appreciation) calls me her honest friend while another friend (who likes her rose colored glasses) often admonishes me in a “friendly” way for speaking truth. But God, Whose word is truth, has called us to speak truth and I’m glad to know I have a kindred spirit in you. Can’t wait to read all your posts.

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